OOPS! It looks like you have canceled payment of the application fee. Don’t worry, we have still received your application so there’s no need to apply again. Before we can process it, you’ll need to stop by our office to pay the fee with cash, check, money order, or debit/credit card.
Thank you for submitting your rental application. IMPORTANT: Please add [email protected] and [email protected] to your safe senders list to ensure that our communications do not end up in your spam filter. Be sure to watch your email for further information. A security deposit equal to one month of rent will be required within five (5) days should you elect to sign a lease agreement. The payment options that we accept are check, cash, and credit/debit cards. Remember, the properties are offered on a first-come, first-served basis. In the event that the properties for which you have applied have been filled, we will be glad to assist you in finding another property that suits your needs.
Associated Realty Property Management
456 E Beaver Ave
State College, PA 16801